2024 · 12. July 2024
On a balmy summer morning, we set off for Aurich in beautiful East Frisia. Where Klaas had his first disco experiences in his childhood, there is now a small, cozy studio 3 houses away at the Dickfehlerweg. There we were allowed to perform three songs from our current album "I'm Out" and had a lot of fun. Everything was recorded without editing using onetakes and we wanted it to be a little off-key here and there. So it turned out to be a very nice and honest live session without any extra...

2024 · 11. March 2024
We are very happy to be part of the very last BoozeCruise Festival! Come and celebrate this great festival once again! Unfortunately, there won't be another festival in this format. A reason to come by this year! Take a look at the wonderful lineup and book your weekend now! See you on the boat!

2024 · 23. February 2024
Ahoi! Our first album "Im Out" is 1 year old today. The year went by incredibly fast and we are still very happy with the record. Feel free to listen to it again! We have found some wonderful photos of the recording!

2024 · 14. February 2024
Hey, first gig in 2024, it's going to be awesome! We'll be swinging our guitars with FRAUPAUL and Laudare at the great Stumpf. We're really looking forward to it! It will be our first time in Hanover!